7.45 am local train to CST - VT

I was just out of graduation college , six months had passed doing nothing but preparing aimlessly for next phase of life. 2001 was not the year where plain graduates were sort after.
Call centres ..now known more respectfully as BPO were new unknown venture . A graduate would only get a job through a reference , so i too got a job at khar by passing my one page resume through a reference . The salary was low , but i looked forward to experience and way to conduct myself in work environment. Days were long and journey to workplace was longer . Best part of the day was 7.45 am train to CST erstwhile VT. Regular train passengers became companion in joy and sorrow. One needs to be on a same train , from same boarding place to be included within the group .....i qualified this and was in Dombivili group . All ladies were in the age group of 40's and comfortably employed in PSU's, banks and Govt insurance companies. The gossip would range from movies, TV soaps, kids , bosses , husbands , train, neighbours etc. We celebrated haldi - kumkum in train , shared tiffins and goodies generously passed from one another. The day i travelled last on that train , my train- friends gave me a send off. They wished me luck, gave small momentos. A good train friend of mine, carried a camera loaded with film and shot few snaps ( in those days mobile phones were luxury and phone camera was unheard technology ) .
Today i am in Bangalore , have everything to term this life as comfortable . I don't have to rush to board any train, neither i have to keep standing for an hour to reach my office. Journey has got shorter, comfortable ...but ...only more .. lonelier and without companions.


pooja said…
hi ritu,nice 2 meet you.
you write really well..looking forward 2 more from your end.

ani_aset said…
hey that was a nice post..i hope one of the companion gets to read this..you have shown some gratitude here

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