Work from Home - Please Mom

Busy mom writes on post it Oh son, you get up so late I have to rush hard to punch my card at the office gate Help yourself with Kellogg’s carton kept in the kitchen Don’t forget to drink your milk like neighbor’s kitten The bath water in the tub is warm for you Sorry, I was running late to polish your shoe Money is on table to help your lunch tummy I should be with you for Dinner – Your Mummy Son Writes back In my dreams I see you with me So I hate to get up early in the hours I call wee I am still too short to reach out to cartons in the kitchen I wont drink milk – as I am a cub not a kitten No problem, if you didn’t polish my shoe My school is closed as many kids have got flu Money is still there on the wooden table I felt little weak so had crocin after reading the Label Mom, I am waiting for you – being all alone Cant you join some office – which lets you Work From Home.