
Showing posts from 2008

to my little baby

To my love, To my child . I feel you within me though your moves are quite mild. I picture you in my thoughts and wonder how you would look which book will be read to you and what for you i shoud cook Will you be like me or like your papa what will you call me - mummy or mamaa What do i call you , i wonder if you will like the name Will you be naughty or easy to tame However you will be , i will keep you in my arms my love and care will always keep you healthy and warm Come my little angel , your mother is waiting for you guess this is the feeling with you too , my baby boo

Go Go Fly

All children like animals , at least most of them .In the locality we stayed earlier had lot of kids of our age. Every other day some or the other would find a injured bird , orphaned kitten or sick squirrel . Each kid had a proper role to serve- some were assigned job for taking care of the needy animal ,bully boys were watch guards , some were supposed to provide for temporary residence and then little girls were responsible for food supply. Usually the animal used to get well and sneak out of captivity . Whenever it happened there was a grief all around . There would be frantic searches in bushes , dug up holes and in houses of suspects. Failure in search would eventually take form of blame game , fights and imaginary stories . For few days every one would carry the loss of guest animal in their heart only to be replaced by shout for new discovery " Ae mil gaya mil gaya ...kabutar hain , pankh tuta hua hai " . Me and sister would never get a chance to keep any animal home ...

Short Story - 1 KALI

Here is my first short story , will keep posting some more short stories written by me . Hope you enjoy reading. All stories are fictitious any resemblance to event or person is coincidental :-) Kali – The train singer In the year 1994, we moved to Bombay from Ghaziabad, as my father’s services got transferred to the city. I was 13 then and took admission in a class eighth of a CBSE school at Dadar. We rented a house in dombivili. I used to take 7 am train to Dadar every day and start off my hour long journey. Being new in the city as well as being a very reserved child, I hardly spoke to any body in the train and used to doze off holding a syllabus book more so for reason of avoiding any conversations than catching extra forty winks. “ Pardesi Pardesi Jana nahi “ shrill voice of a girl younger to me by three four years always woke me up , as soon as she used to get into the train at Kalwa holding two small granite pieces and rattling them unmusically. Her hairs were matted tied lo...

छू मंतर

वहाँ मत जाओ - वहाँ भूत है । खाना नही खाओ गी तो - राक्षस पकड़ कर ले जाएगा । रात को जो बच्चे नही सोते उन्हें - पुलिस ले जाती हैं। किस किस तरह से सब ने मुझे बुद्धू बनाया , और आज मैं भी बच्चो को इस ही तरह से बेवकूफ बनाती हू । मुझे आज भी याद हैं , जब मैं हर रात एक चिट्टी लिख कर अपने घर की बालकनी मैं रखती थी । मेरा यह विश्वास था की परी आ कर वह चिट्टी ले जायेगी और मुझे जो भी चाहिए वो मेरे लिए रख जाएँगी। २४ दिसम्बर की रात मैं अपनी सारी सोक्क्स और स्तोक्किंग धो कर रस्सी से लटका देती थी । christamas के दिन उसमे एक डेरी मिल्क चोकोलेट , हेयर क्लिप, पेंसिल , शर्प्नेर और एक संता क्लाउस की लिखी चिट्टी पाती थी । उस चिट्टी मैं मुझे संता क्लाउस - एक अच्छी बच्ची बनने के लिए कहता , हर सुब्जेक्ट मैं आए मार्क्स के बारें में जिक्र होता , गणित में ध्यान देने को कहता । में यह सोच हर हेरान हो जाती की किस तरह संता क्लाउस मेरे बारें में इतना कुछ जानता हैं । पर chocolate का स्वाद इस प्रश्न को भुला देता। एक क्रिसमस की सुबह मेरी नींद अचानक खुल गई और मैंने मम्मी को मेरे सिरहाने बेंठ्कर चिट्टी लिखते देखा , तुरंत मैं सम...

How good it is to be doing nothing at all !! :-)

How good it is to be doing nothing at all To sit by the window , to look at tea stall To sip hot coffee and hear the rain drop How good it is to be doing nothing at all To follow red ants to their burrows , to look at the mud bath of sparrows To wonder at games that clouds play , to mix colours of pink and grey How good it is to be doing nothing at all To spend afternoon on park swings , to collect sea shells and hear what sea sings To believe in fairies with fur wings , to make houses from matches and twigs How good it is to be doing nothing at all , hope i can be a child all life long

lazy afternoon naps

Stretch a bit ,feel your tummy full , switch off the TV, snuggle in to the mattress, take a light bed sheet, turn to side and close your eyes for that lazy afternoon nap. Afternoon naps - the bargained thing for the pay cheque are the best way to relax your body and soul. A hour nap energises the body more than the sleep of 8 hours at night. Look around - all will be doing the same be it a hawker spread over like a log on his hand trolley or street dogs taking few winks in shade . Kids also disappear during this time of the day to return back to streets with more vigour. Enough - Got to get back to work , Boss calling ! office goers need to wait till the life clock strikes 60 .